The dancers after joining the rituals performed by shaman, will use their bare hands to put out burning coals without flinching. Photo: VNA
Dancers jump over the burning coals with their bare feet without getting burned. Photo: VNA
The dancers after joining the rituals performed by shaman, will use their bare hands to put out burning coals without flinching. Photo: VNA
A dancer's hands and feet after jumping over the burning coals without any burn marks. Photo: VNA
The fire jumping ritual of the Pa Then people is a significant event that holds both religious and cultural importance. Photo: VNA
Dancers jump over the burning coals with their bare feet without getting burned. Photo: VNA
Fire jumping ritual - Mysterious dance of Pa Then ethnic minority
The Pa Then ethnic group is an indigenous ethnic group in Vietnam. They have a rich cultural heritage that includes various rituals and ceremonies, one of which is the fire jumping ritual. The fire jumping ritual of the Pa Then people is a significant event that holds both religious and cultural importance. It is usually performed during important occasions such as festivals, weddings, or funerals. The ritual is believed to bring good luck, ward off evil spirits, and cleanse the body and soul. Photo: VNA