The vivid yellow colour of the flowers not only create a picturesque and poetic images for the locality, it has also helps generate income and improves the lives of local people. VNA Photo: Phạm Kiên
Harvesting “king daisy” in a field in Nghia Trai hamlet. VNA Photo: Phạm Kiên
Harvesting “king daisy” in a field in Nghia Trai hamlet. VNA Photo: Phạm Kiên
Dried chrysanthemum is used for making herbal tea, medicine and is consumed nationwide. VNA Photo: Phạm Kiên
The vivid yellow colour of the flowers not only create a picturesque and poetic images for the locality, it has also helps generate income and improves the lives of local people. VNA Photo: Phạm Kiên
Harvesting “king daisy” in a field in Nghia Trai hamlet. VNA Photo: Phạm Kiên
The flower has been planted for years, besides their beauty, the royal flower has plenty of alleged benefits for human’s health such as detoxing, de-stress and improving eye-health, among others. VNA Photo: Phạm Kiên
Harvesting “king daisy” in a field in Nghia Trai hamlet. VNA Photo: Phạm Kiên
“King Daisy” helps improve farmers’ lives in Hung Yen
Fields of Chrysanthemum flower, locally known as “King Daisy”, in Hung Yen province are blossoming in yellow over the New Year holiday, offering a stunning scene for visitors while helping to increase income for local famers. Nghia Trai hamlet, Tan Quang commune, Van Lam district in Hung Yen province is well-known for traditional herbs, especially chrysanthemum or “king daisy”. The trade is also the locals’ main income. Planting “king daisy” requires more effort compared to rice but the profit is higher. The flower has been planted for years, besides their beauty, the royal flower has plenty of alleged benefits for human’s health such as detoxing, de-stress and improving eye-health, among others. VNA Photo: Phạm Kiên