Nguyen Phu Trong – a special, rare politician: German scholar
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong was a special, rare politician and a profound theorist with sharp mind, Chairman of the Friendship Group with Vietnam Prof. Dr. Günter Giesenfeld told the Vietnam News Agency (VNA)'s resident correspondent in Berlin.

Berlin (VNA) – General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong was a special, rare politician and a profound theorist with sharp mind, Chairman of the Friendship Group with Vietnam Prof. Dr. Günter Giesenfeld told the Vietnam News Agency (VNA)'s resident correspondent in Berlin.

Giesenfeld and his wife translated the Vietnamese Party chief’s article on several theoretical and practical issues on socialism and the path towards socialism in Vietnam into German, helping people there have a better understanding about the socialism as well as the path that Vietnam has chosen.

The translated version, he said, was posted on the group’s Vietnam Kurier magazine and the website of the Vietnamese Embassy in Germany. At that time, the professor wished to visit and have a discussion on socialism with the Party chief as Vietnam has reaped various achievements and become a trustworthy partner of countries, including powers, in the world.

Prof. Dr Michael Brie, Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung – RLS), expressed his outpouring of grief over the passing of Party General Secretary Trong, calling this a great loss of the Vietnamese people.

Meanwhile, Head of Division at the RLS Centre for International Dialogue and Cooperation Philip Degenhardt said that the Vietnamese Party chief was known as a strong fighter against corruption which is a formidable challenge of Vietnam and the CPV in the path to build a new-style socialist nation.

He has been interested in General Secretary Trong’s study on socialism and socialist-oriented market economy, calling it “a guiding star” and a premise for researchers in the past years and the coming decades.

Based on the late leader’s article, Degenhardt and several Vietnamese researchers penned ten articles related to this topic.

Degenhardt expressed his hope that the Vietnamese Party chief’s legacies will continue live on, and the CPV will stay steadfast on the path that General Secretary Trong and the 13th National Party Congress had laid out./

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