Inside a house of Dao Tien ethnic group in the hamlet. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
A typical house of Dao Tien ethnic group in the hamlet. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
A Dao Tien ethnic girl introduces brocade headscarves. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
Brocade items are introduced in homestays. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
A house of Dao Tien ethnic people in the hamlet. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
A bird's eye view of Sung hamlet. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
Pristine beauty of Dao ethnic hamlet
Sung hamlet in Da Bac district, the northern province of HoaBinh, is a residence of some 80 households of Dao Tien ethnic people who stillpreserve many traditional cultural values. Located at an altitude of 530 metersabove sea level, Sung hamlet now becomes an attractive tourist destination witha pristine and wild beauty of the natural landscape, typical architectures andthe unique traditional culture of Dao Tien ethnic group. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA