A Dao Tien girl at the ceremony. Photo: Chu Hieu – VNA
A ritual during the ceremony. Photo: Chu Hieu – VNA
A ritual during the ceremony. Photo: Chu Hieu – VNA
A ritual during the ceremony. Photo: Chu Hieu – VNA
A ritual during the ceremony. Photo: Chu Hieu – VNA
A ritual during the ceremony. Photo: Chu Hieu – VNA
A ritual during the ceremony. Photo: Chu Hieu – VNA
Traditional ceremony marks coming of age
Tau Sai is an important event celebrating the coming of ageof men and women among the Dao Tien ethnic minority group in the northernprovince of Cao Bang. The ceremony has been held for hundreds of years,honouring the principles of marriage, family happiness and uniting people in theirfamily and community. In the Dao group’s tradition, rank or title is veryimportant, which marks the moment someone can have an important voice in thecommunity and have the right to host various important rituals. The ceremonyalso aims to wish for peace, prosperity and luck for the family. Photo: Chu Hieu– VNA