Once the tides retreat from Hon Yen island, visitors can view the coral reefs without the need for diving. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
Once the tides retreat from Hon Yen island, visitors can view the coral reefs without the need for diving. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
The beauty of coral reefs around Hon Yen island, Phu Yen province. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
Once the tides retreat from Hon Yen island, visitors can view the coral reefs without the need for diving. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
The beauty of coral reefs around Hon Yen island, Phu Yen province. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
The beauty of coral reefs around Hon Yen island, Phu Yen province. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
The beauty of coral reefs around Hon Yen island, Phu Yen province. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA
Underwater clouds - the beauty of coral reefs in Phu Yen
About 17km north of Tuy Hoa city, Phu Yen province, one can enjoy the beautiful scenery of wild coral reefs and volcanic hexagonal rock at Hon Yen island. There are currently 17 coral species in Hon Yen islands, with the most predominant ones being cloud-shaped corals. When the tides retreat, visitors can see corals clearly, which look like underwater clouds, and see all the diverse marine animals that live among the corals. The Phu Yen provincial government are planning different community-based ecotourism projects to protect this unique ecological system and promote local tourism. Photo: Trong Dat – VNA