Bang Vuong is not only a distinctive plant of the Truong Sa archipelago but also a symbol of the resilience and vigorous spirit of the Vietnamese Navy soldiers. Photo: VNA
The white bang vuong flowers, clustered together, are referred to by Truong Sa soldiers as the “queen” of the various local flower species. Photo: VNA
The white bang vuong flowers, clustered together, are referred to by Truong Sa soldiers as the “queen” of the various local flower species. Photo: VNA
Bang Vuong is not only a distinctive plant of the Truong Sa archipelago but also a symbol of the resilience and vigorous spirit of the Vietnamese Navy soldiers. Photo: VNA
Bang vuong flower buds. Photo: VNA
Bang vuong is a woody plant, 7 to 25 metres high, with white flowers arranged in clusters. Photo: VNA
Unique trees on Truong Sa archipelago
Bang Vuong, or the square-fruit Malabar Almond tree, is not only a distinctive plant of the Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago but also a symbol of the resilience and vigorous spirit of the Vietnamese Navy soldiers. Photo: VNA