All join in the festival with hope that the wetter they are, the more good luck they receive. Photo: VNA
Joining in the Xoe dance to show the unity at the festival. Photo: VNA
The festival offers a chance for family reunion. Photo: VNA
All join in the festival with hope that the wetter they are, the more good luck they receive. Photo: VNA
All join in the festival with hope that the wetter they are, the more good luck they receive. Photo: VNA
All join in the festival with hope that the wetter they are, the more good luck they receive. Photo: VNA
The water procession during the festival. Photo: VNA
Joining in the Xoe dance to show the unity at the festival. Photo: VNA
Water Festival – unique culture of Lao ethnic group in Lai Chau province
The “Bun Voc Nam” (Water-splashing) Festival is a unique NewYear celebration of the Lao people in the northern province of Lai Chau. Thetraditional festival was annually held after a crop harvest to pray for goodweather and bumper crop. The Water Festival was recognized as a NationalIntangible Cultural Heritage in 2017. Photo: VNA