A xoan singing performance. Photo: VNA
A xoan singing performance. Photo: Pham Hau - VNA
Xoan singers and their younger generation perform in Hung Lo communal house in Hung Lo commune, Viet Tri city. Photo by courtesy/VNA
Xoan singers perform in Hung Lo communal house in Hung Lo commune, Viet Tri city. Photo by courtesy/VNA
A contestant of the Miss Tourism World 2022 learn performance of Xoan singning from young artists. Photo: Trung Kien - VNA
Xoan singers perform in Hung Lo communal house in Hung Lo commune, Viet Tri city. Photo: Minh Quyet – VNA
Xoan performances include singing, dancing, and drumming. Closely linked to the worship of the Hung Kings, believed to be the founders of the nation, Xoan singing is traditionally performed at holy places such as temples, sanctuaries, and communal houses. Tourists will also find value in the worshiping itself as another UNESCO-recognised intangible cultural heritage of the humanity. Photo: Nhat Anh - VNA
Xoan singing - an intangible cultural heritage of humanity
Xoan singing comes from the northern province of Phu Tho, and is practised in front of communal halls at spring festivals. It is said to have appeared about 4,000 years ago, during the time of legendary Hung Kings. Xoan singing was recognised as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity from UNESCO. Photo: VNA